Admin Services

AcceServ is a corporate secretarial firm in Singapore. We provide admin services on company act, documentation, payroll, accounting and company annual returns.

AcceServ help companies run their paper work occurred from their daily operations. Our services on simple admin work can be answering of phone calls, taking memo and maintaining files. Our service on professional admin work can be taxation, accounting services, payroll, and general meeting documents.

Helping Small Business

AcceServ discovered that some SME business owners need help in their daily business operations. From a business survey done, some SME business departments do not have full time employees to support their daily operations. These business owners usually have limited resources as such a short fall on manpower can be a stressful process to these business owners.

AcceServ understand the reason for these unnecessary headcount. But we still would like to help these business owners to free out their precious time. Hence in AcceServ, we offer ad-hoc admin services to all our clients cater to their requests for business needs. AcceServ will try to help these business needs by outsourcing all additional work to our admin services or accounting staffing. AcceServ will discuss with all our clients on their needs and support them fully during their course of their business.